The purpose of AR Youth Worship is to cultivate and inspire this current generation of worshippers.
Bible Quizzing is a ministry designed to put the Word of God in the hearts of young people. It helps young people mature in intellect, attitude, emotions and most of all, helps them grow spiritually. There are very few other areas in which young people are able to socialize with so many other godly youth on a regular basis. While the ministry assists in so many other aspects of a young person’s life, it also is extremely competitive and exciting!
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Project 7 Bible Clubs is a free resource for students to utilize for the purpose of starting Bible Clubs on their High School and Middle School campuses. P7 Clubs are student-led and -driven opportunities for students to participate in a spiritually inspired, relationship-oriented, community-serving project in their school. If you are interested in starting or joining a P7 Club, make the pledge to be a P7 missionary!